Active Nutrition for Fit People

Sports nutrition once was only for top athletes… Not anymore!
Fitwell Nutrition® offers a range of functional powders that also meet the needs of amateur athletes as well as seniors or weight-conscious people:
- WHEY or VEGAN protein,
- OAT & PROTEIN mix for shakes, smoothies, porridges, pancakes,
- ENDURANCE drink to fuel your efforts.
Our proteins come in vanilla and chocolate flavors. We want to encourage you to create your own recipes. Mixing a portion of fruit to your protein will not just give the best natural flavor but add nutriments and improve the texture of your shake.
Getting enough protein is crucial for optimal health and body composition.
The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight for sedentary adults. For active people, athletes, and elderly people, the amount increases to 1.0-1.6 grams per kg of body weight.
The simple addition of an extra shake or two a day could be just the thing to help you see positive changes in your body, your overall fitness level, and your ability to achieve athletic or physique goals.
If daily protein targets are achieved through dietary protein alone, supplementation is unnecessary.
Our products
Fueling your active life

Oat & Protein
Pancake | Waffle
Oat pancake and waffle mix fortified with protein, with sweeteners
Flavours: Vanilla

Protein powders: meal replacement, pudding, …
RTD: vitamin water, collagen water, protein drink
High protein spread: choco, jam
Supplements: creatine, glutamine, BCAA, …
All products are available for private labels, in the packaging of your choice (individual sachets, pouches, jars).


Foodex Tokyo – March 5-8, 2019

Foodex Tokyo
March 5-8, 2019